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Regulatory compliance

The digital transformation means that everything related to compliance plays a much more important role in any decision or development and in the implementation of technologies, tools or applications. The new uses of information, in addition to consumers themselves, demand that data and the software that manages it be in accordance with the law, and even go a step further: no legal protection is too much when it comes to sensitive information.

Against this backdrop, possible sanctions and regulatory complexity add an extra concern for companies: they have to be very careful to ensure their activity complies with the law. If it does not, the economic and reputational losses could be fatal, hence the need to understand and assimilate the various regulations.

A global regulatory framework

The regulation of data protection and technology has become more and more stringent over the years, becoming global in scope.

A clear example of this is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), approved in 2018 in order to create a legal framework for the protection of personal data and its free circulation that is common to the whole European Union.

Organisations must not only abide by local laws, but national and international ones as well. From the moment they plan to develop a product or offer a service, and regardless of whether they or a partner sells it to their customers, all the parties involved must keep this regulatory framework in mind.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data have stirred a new debate in the regulatory framework. Both have introduced an ethical component into the debate, with everything that entails.

In late 2021, an agreement was reached between the European Parliament and Member States to push forward with the draft regulation on Data Governance. It was intended to create processes and structures to facilitate the exchange of data between all relevant actors. In 2022, further steps were taken in this direction with a new regulatory initiative: the Data Law, which is called upon to transform the European regulatory framework to promote uniformity and security in the fair use and access of this asset.

Even through the law has not yet gone into effect and is still subject to change, it is critical that businesses start to take this draft law into account in their activity. This will not only make it easier for them to keep their portfolio up to date once this law is green lit, but it will also show their customers and consumers that they care about any information that is created.

Governance in the cloud

Organisations are required to develop new internal governance standards due to the emergence of different cloud services, such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and others. This involves establishing mechanisms to maintain control of applications and resources.

The reliance that companies have on the cloud creates major governance challenges in terms of complying with the organisation’s directives and keeping the entire workforce on the same page. Governance must define roles and hierarchies in a framework of common policies. It affects people, infrastructure, security, technology and processes, and is fundamental to the proper operation of the company.

What we can do for you

At ABAI, we always work with existing regulations, and those yet to be developed, in mind. Our decades of experience, along with our digital and analytical capabilities, allow us to identify and adopt as our own the needs of our users and companies so that we can satisfy them throughout the project’s life cycle.

We know that no project can succeed without scrupulous legislative compliance, which is why our teams always ensure that the slightest detail in the design and management of solutions is compliant.

If you want to know how we can help turn your ideas and initiatives into reality, while taking the legislative framework into account at every step, contact us. Our team will be glad to help you.

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