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Personal data Privacy Policy

ABAI is committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and is not misused.

In this section we include information about who the Data Controller is, the purpose for which your personal information is to be processed, the legal basis for the processing, the rights you have, and we also explain the processes we have put in place to protect your privacy.

In giving us your personal information and using our website, we assume that the data subject or user has read and understood the terms relating to the protection of personal data protection information that are outlined.

ABAI has adopted all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the personal data in its custody and it aims to process your data legally, fairly and transparently, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (The General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), as amended, and the other current legislation regarding privacy and protection of personal data; we inform Users that the personal data obtained through the Website.

ABAI informs that the User’s personal data shall be processed per aforementioned legislation, and shall be included in the respective processing registers for their use. They shall also be processed perr current privacy and electronic communications legislation. ABAI hereby informs data subjects of its intention to send them commercial communications by email or by any other equivalent electronic means of communication. Privacy and electronic communications.

1.1- Who is responsible for processing the personal data?

This website is owned and managed by ABAI BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, S.A.U., which is the data controller (hereinafter “ABAI”).

Should the data subject have the need to contact the Data Controller, he/she may do so by ordinary mail at the following address:

  • Calle Vía de los Poblados 3, Edificio Cristalia, Play 4B, planta 5ª, (28033) Madrid. (Data Protection Officer reference)

We hereby inform you that ABAI has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at the following email address:

1.2.- How do we obtain your personal data?

ABAI asks Users who visit its website for certain personal data, in response to contact requests made by the User, commercial publications,           ABAI’s selection of job offers, the contractual relationship, as well as those concerning services related subject to its activity. The only personal data to which ABAI shall have access will be that provided voluntarily by the User. Thus, the User must be aware that, to register for some of the services offered through the Website, he/she will be asked for personal data.

Sources from which your personal data originate:

A) Information provided by the Stakeholder or by their company.

  • When you contact ABAI, for example, through the Contact section or the Whistleblowing Channel on our website.
  • When you ask ABAI for information about a product or service.
  • When you participate in our marketing campaigns, through various formats.

During the data collection, only personal data that is absolutely necessary for the purpose and legal basis for which it is provided shall be requested.

B) Information obtained automatically. 

When the User accesses the Website, ABAI may collect information about your IP address and other browsing data so as to enhance your experience and to be able to offer you the services you need when you need them.

C) Information obtained with your express permission.

Through external databases and our Patners, who disclose their personal data to us, with their express prior authorisation for both actions.

Types of personal data.

  • Identifying and professional

They are identification and professional data.

  • Personal

Personal characteristic data.

Under no circumstances shall personal data be requested about on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, data related to health and sex life, genetic, biometric or data related to sexual life or orientation, unless, at such times as the request may be made, the Data Subject expressly and freely consents to its disclosure.


1.3.- What are the purposes of the processing?

The main reason we gather your personal information is to facilitate commercial communication between your organisation and ABAI. Besides the main purpose, and to achieve this purpose, this also entails the following:

1)Sending advertising, promotional or any other information that may be of interest to you, by post, email, SMS and other electronic means of communication.

2)Development and management of the activities of responding to and maintaining contact requests made to you through ABAI’s website.

3)Development and analysis of profiles and application of segmentation techniques for commercial and advertising purposes. These analyses shall be conducted both with data provided by the User through the registration forms, and with data derived from the browsing and use made by the User of ABAI’s web pages (internal data), and with data collected through social media if the User authorises said data to be provided to ABAI by the social media through which the User logs in or registers (external data).

4)Enabling ABAI to comply with the legal obligations bearing upon it as due to the execution or development of the legal relations formalised with the Organisation.

5)Development and management of activities that allow ABAI to optimise ABAI’s contractual relationships with you or your company.

6)Management of candidates in job offers.

7)Communication of data to third parties.

The information you provide may be disclosed to:

-The service providers it hires or may hire to provide the service to you and who shall have the status of data processors (some of these data processors may be located outside the European Economic Area).

-Other collaborating companies and sponsors of ABAI events in order to advertise their products and/or services.

-Other ABAI group companies (Companies in the ABAI group);

8) Management of the Whistleblowing Channel’s information system for complaints/queries; where appropriate, processing and resolution of the complaint received and response to the query.

9) Manage the stakeholder’s participation in the company event or activity run by ABAI. Sometimes the event may be commissioned from a third party.

10) Capture the image and voice of the Data Subject by means of photography, audio or audiovisual recordings during the event or activity in question.

11) Disseminate these images or recordings in ABAI’s internal or external communication channels.

  • Such dissemination may be effected through digital channels (websites, Intranet, Extranet) or analogue channels (company magazine), as well as by any other medium, and, in any case, for the purpose of disseminating or promoting ABAI’s corporate image. In any event, we inform you that such publications shall be made according to current legislation on the Right to Honour, Personal and Family Privacy and Self-Image in the countries where ABAI operates.
  • ABAI gives notice that the processing of the Data Subject’s data in connection with the aforementioned publications may involve the disclosure of data to any third party with access to the media and communication channels where the aforementioned publications are made, and that when these publications are made through media accessible with no geographical limitation, such as the Internet, the data processing shall allow third parties located outside the territory of the European Economic Area to access the published personal data.

1.4.- What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?

The basis for processing your personal data is:

  • Execution of the contract: to manage the products and services contracted, to conduct informative communications and satisfaction surveys, invoicing and collection, advice or accreditation in the contracting processes initiated (article 6.1. b RGPD). (Purpose 5)
  • A legitimate interest that is recognised by the applicable legal regulations (General Data Protection Regulation), including handling queries or complaints (through the Whistleblowing Channel) and the processing of personal data on this legal basis for the purposes of direct marketing. Specifically, to process your data so as to send you advertising, promotional or other information that may be of interest to you, tailored to your tastes, hobbies and preferences, according to the preparation, profiling and segmentation that may be performed by ABAI, is based on meeting the legitimate business interest. (Purpose 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9)
  • Consent may be granted voluntarily by ticking the boxes on the acceptance forms provided for this purpose. (Purposes 6, 7, 10 and 11).

1.5.- To which recipients will your personal data be communicated?

The personal data processed by ABAI to fulfil the aforementioned purposes may only be transferred, where appropriate:

1)The service providers it hires or may hire to provide the service to you and who shall have the status of Data Processors (some of these data processors may be located outside the European Economic Area). ABAI has signed relevant data processing contracts with each supplier to ensure that said suppliers process personal data according to current legislation.

2)With your express consent, to the companies forming part of the ABAI Group of Companies and any others listed at any given time at the Internet address (

  • UNO27 S.A.S.


3)To the relevant public administrations, pursuant to ABAI’s own legal obligations, where provided for in the Law and for the purposes set out therein. Finally, we shall pass on your data to credit information systems in the event of non-payment, as well as to credit institutions for factoring operations or to Public Authorities and Bodies to comply with legal obligations.

4)Other collaborating companies and sponsors of ABAI events in order to advertise their products and/or services.

1.6.- How long do we keep your personal data?

The personal data shall be kept for the duration of the relationship between you and ABAI and, subsequently, as long as you have not exercised your right to erasure or objection, it shall be kept according to the legal deadlines applicable in each specific case, bearing in mind the type of data, as well as the purpose of the processing.

1.7.- Will international data transfers be made?

The personal information we gather resides in territory within the European Economic Area (EEA), although some Group companies have a presence in other countries and it is possible that your personal information may be gathered in the country in which you reside.

In some cases, services are contracted in Cloud Computing mode with media accessible without geographical limitation, such as work email.

The suppliers hired by ABAI to provide such services may process your personal data and make international transfers of your data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and to countries that do not guarantee an adequate level of compliance with the European Commission’s decision. Such transfers are undertaken by ABAI by establishing the appropriate legal frameworks.

1.8.- What are your rights regarding our processing of your data?

ABAI informs you that you have the right to access your personal data and to get confirmation of how such data is being processed. You also have the right to request rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, inter alia, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, you may request that processing of your data be limited, in which case ABAI shall only keep your data for the purpose of exercising or defending any claims.

Furthermore, in certain circumstances, you may also object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose notified by ABAI. In that case, ABAI shall cease to process the personal data, except for legitimate reasons, or to guarantee that any claims can be pursued or defended.

Finally, in certain cases, you may request the right to portability ( according to current legislation) and to obtain for yourself or for another service provider certain information derived from your relationship with ABAI.

Such rights may be exercised through the following channels; you must identify in your request the reference “Ref. Data Protection Officer”:

  • Written communication addressed to ABAI, for the attention of the Data Protection Officer, sent to Calle Vía de los Poblados 3, Edificio Cristalia, Play 4B, planta 5ª, (28033) Madrid.
  • By emailing ABAI at

In these cases, the identity of the person exercising their rights must be proven by sending a copy of both sides of their National Identity Document (DNI), Foreigner Identification Number (NIE), Passport or equivalent document.

ABAI shall provide you with the requested information within a maximum of one month from receipt of the request. This deadline may be extended by a further two months if needed, given the complexity and the number of applications.

You may withdraw consent at any time, where consent has been given for a specific purpose, without thereby affecting the legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

You may file a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority. Similarly, you may file a complaint with the Data Protection Officer, who shall decide on the complaint within the maximum legal deadline allowed by law.

1.9.- How do we protect your personal information?

We are committed to protecting your personal information. We use suitable technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information and your privacy and we review these measures regularly. We protect your personal information using a combination of physical, computer and logical security controls, including access controls restricting and managing how your personal information and data is processed, administered and managed. We also ensure that our employees are adequately trained to protect your personal information. Our procedures state that we may ask you for proof of identity before we share your personal information with you.

In line with our security and confidentiality guarantee, we are particularly interested in offering you the highest level of security and protecting the confidentiality of the personal information you provide to us.

2. Incident management

If you detect any incident, malfunction and/or irregularity that may affect the access/processing of your data, the security of the information and/or the functionalities of this website, you may report it through the following link:

3. Legislation and Jurisdiction

The provision of the service is subject to Spanish law, and the User expressly agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid.

4. Links to other websites

If, on this Website, the User should find links to other websites by means of various buttons, links, banners, etc., these would be managed by third parties. ABAI has no power or the human or technical means to know, control or endorse all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links may be set up from this Website.

ABAI therefore accepts no liability whatsoever for any matter relating to this Website to which a link may be set up from this Website, specifically, but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and trustworthiness of its products and services, its own links and any of its contents in general.

In this regard, if Users become aware of the unlawfulness of activities conducted through these third-party websites, they must immediately notify ABAI so that it can disable the access link to the website in question.

Setting up any kind of link from this Website to another website does not imply any kind of relationship, collaboration or subordination between ABAI and the party responsible for the other website.

5. Links on other websites to the Website

If any User, organisation or website wishes to establish any kind of link to the website, it must adhere to the following stipulations:

  • The link may only be directed to the ABAI website’s Home Page.
  • The link must be absolute and complete, that is, it must take the User, through a click, to the URL address of the Website itself and must completely cover the entire screen of the Website’s Home Page. Under no circumstances, except with ABAI’s express written authorisation, may the website that creates the link reproduce ABAI’s website in any way, include it as part of its website or within any of its frames, or create a browser over any of its pages.

The page that sets up the link may not state in any manner that ABAI has authorised such a link, unless ABAI has expressly said so in writing. If the organization that makes the link from its page to the Website correctly wishes to include ABAI’s brand, name, trading name, sign, logo, slogan or any other type of identifying element on its Website, it must obtain ABAI’s express written authorisation beforehand.

ABAI does not authorise the setting up of a link to its website from Websites that contain material, information or content that is illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene or, in general, that violates morality, public order or generally accepted social norms.

ABAI has no power or the human or technical means to know, control or endorse all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links may be set up from this Website. The Company accepts no liability whatsoever for any matter relating to this Website to which a link may be set up from this Website, specifically, but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and trustworthiness of its products and services, its own links and any of its contents in general.